Our festival venue, the glacier village Saas-Fee is one of a kind, surmounted by mighty four-thousand metre mountains, the "mute masters", covered with an archaic patina, undisturbed by cars. The Saas-Fee Filmfest has a good energy, we are looking forward to watching the next films in 60-year old Cinema Rex, we celebrate and we dine together,
face challanges and inspiration, try to understand the world and people better. Besides conversations with exciting colleagues some take advantage of the quiet for working or of the moutains for skiing. ... After being awarded Best Swiss Skiing Resort various times, in 2016 Saas-Fee was named Alpine Skiing Resort with the highest guarantee of snow.


With the Saas-Fee Filmfest we are also celebrating the revival of Cinema Rex, the rooms of which wear the patina of over 60 years of cinema history.